DPA 2011C Stereo Pair

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Varenr: ST2011C
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2011 Twin Diaphragm Cardioid Microphone

2011 Twin Diaphragm Cardioid Microphone

  • Blends clarity, richness and dynamics
  • Twin Diaphragm Capsule Technology
  • Advanced Interference Tube Technology
  • Superb stage separation and level control
  • Modular flexibility

Two opposite-facing miniature capsules are custom rebuilt inside this microphone. They are placed into a double-diaphragm, one-capsule composition. This combines the advantages of small capsules with the lower inherent noise achieved from a larger diaphragm area. These capsules provide fast impulse response and large frequency bandwidth. The capsules are loaded to our supreme preamps, which gives the sound more air and precision.

Combine it with the preamp of your choice

As with all of our modular pencil microphones, you can combine the 2011 Twin Diaphragm Cardioid Mic Capsule with any of our preamps.

  • MMP-A Mic Preamp: An ultra-transparent, transformerless preamplifier with active drive for impedance balancing.
  • MMP-C Compact Mic Preamp: An ultra-compact preamplifier with active drive for impedance balancing. It has a slightly softer character than the other preamps for our pencil microphones.
  • MMP-E Modular Active Cable: A very small form factor type with XLR output, allowing for very slim set-ups.
  • MMP-G Modular Active Cable: Allows you to match a larger microphone directly to a wireless transmitter with a MicroDot output.

The 2011A Twin Diaphragm Cardioid Mic is acclaimed for its close-miking excellence and hi-SPL handling. Optimized for onstage use, it has been used on many stages as well as recording sessions. It exhibits a previously unheard blend of clarity, richness and dynamic range.

The 2011C Compact Twin Diaphragm Cardioid Mic offers a subtle character alteration with a bit more “body” to the low end than the 2011A. It is also much easier to position than other cardioid mics.

At any time, and with no tools needed, it is possible to transform the 2011 Twin Diaphragm Cardioid Mic into a new configuration. The 2011 is very widely used as a snare drum mic but fits easily well on many other instruments.

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